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8 - Public Records (Local)


Faulkner County Public Records:

For my public records blog I decided to focus on somewhere close to home. Faulkner County makes looking at public records a breeze going to their website for easy access. Going to allows you to access state, county, and municipal public records. They list some of the basic information for the county like the average income is $43,204.00. Faulkner county is 84.1% caucasian and 11.3% African American. Over 22.8% are homeowners, 49% are married, and 11.80% are divorced. 

Having access to public records makes it easier than ever to find information. For instance, you can view the county's budget for the year which includes new grants for COVID-19 relief. They discussed the $62,000 grant given for the election fees. "County Clerk Margaret Darter applied for Faulkner County's funds in mid-September from the COVID Response Grant Program through the Center for Tech and Civic Life." The grant will aid in early in person voting and voting by mail, poll worker, recruiting, training, and safety, voter education about registration and safe voting practices, and purchasing PPE for use at polling places. 

When the Quorum Court had their monthly budget meeting they stated it only took about five minutes to approve the plan. The Quorum Court met on June 18 to discuss moving funds to cover health insurance across the county. "This ordinance was intended to transfer $260,000 of carryover funds to in the General Fund to various County funds to pay health insurance costs." Court records like these and more are available through multiple sites like I listed above. Freedom of Information is a luxury we should not take for granted.


  1. Thank you very much, Sydney, for linking to Faulkner County Reports. We are "watchdogs" for Faulkner County government because there is a lack of good newspaper reporting on information that are residents need to understand. We appreciate your interest.


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